Salon Professional

Mary Petillo is a licensed hairstylist with over 25 years of experience behind the chair. She has worked in salons in both California and Oregon both as a full-time hairstylist and as a salon manager. She is proficient in special occassion updo's and an expert in controlling difficult to manage hair (cowlicks, stubborn waves, and excessive or thinning hair.)

Mary has been a board certified haircolorist with the American Board of Certified Haircolorists since 2007.

Haircolor Educator

She is an educator at the annual ABCH Energizing Summit in Los Angeles. Her class, "The ABC's of ABCH" is an overview of the ABCH curriculum. She teaches classes during the year at local beauty salons and beauty schools. Click on the Classes page above for more info regarding her classes.

Book Author

Mary has written two books, one for salon clients and one for professional hairstylists. She is currently signed with a literary agent in New York city seeking to publish the two manuscripts. Click on the Books page above for more info on the subject matter in her books.


Standards of beauty are arbitrary. Body shame exists only to the extent that our physiques don't match our own beliefs about how we should look.                            

- Martha Beck